The aim of the Foundation is:
1) activities for the development and promotion of education in the field of cinematography, film art, advertising, and digital arts,
2) activities for the development and promotion of teleinformatics security,
3) activities for the support in the field of film art, cinematography, advertising, digital arts, and teleinformatics security,
4) activities for the development of culture and art, protection of cultural goods, and national heritage,
5) supporting innovative projects.
The Foundation carries out its activities through:
a) educational activities aimed at expanding knowledge and developing interests in film, digital arts, and information security,
b) implementing and promoting modern forms of film and digital arts, as well as undertaking activities aimed at supporting innovative film art,
c) financial, organizational, and expert support in the creation of films, digital arts, and information security
d) organizing and financing all educational activities that deepen knowledge and interest in cinematography and teleinformatics security,
e) organizing lectures, conferences, and meetings with specialists and authorities in the fields of science, culture, film, digital arts, and information security,
f) organizing banquets, festivals, training sessions, meetings, and workshops, as well as charitable, artistic, cultural-educational, and sports events, exhibitions, and concerts; organizing and supporting conferences, symposia, and seminars in the fields of film art, advertising, digital arts, and information security,
g) providing equipment necessary for the creation of film art, advertising, digital arts, and information security.

Fundacja Rozwoju Cyfrowych Sztuk Filmowych i Bezpieczeństwa Teleinformatycznego
Frequently Asked Questions
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Dlaczego wybrać naszą fundację?
Pomagamy młodym utalentowanym twórcom.
Co oferujemy?
Wsparcie finansowe oraz pomoc w kontakcie do osób z środowiska cyfrowych sztuk filmowych.
Dlaczego pomagamy?
Wierzymy, że sztuki cyfrowe są ważne w zrównoważonym rozwoju społeczeństwa.
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